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Adding exclusions in Windows Defender

If you are facing false positive issues in Windows Defender, you can add the file or folder in question to Windows Defender’s exclusion list. Windows Defender exclusions can also be useful in fixing some performance issues. Windows Defender does not play nicely with certain processes and slows them down significantly, process exclusions can help in unshackling these processes. Ensure that the files are safe Before adding a file to the exclusion list, you need to make sure that it is safe.

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Gvim on windows: solving Tagbar’s “window flashing” problem using Vim-Shell

One of the annoying things about using Gvim on windows is that every time a plugin calls Vim’s system command, the DOS command window will flash. Tagbar is one of the many plugins which have this problem. Here is a solution for this in Tagbar using Xolox’s Vim-Shell plugin. Please note that I am not referring to Shougo’s plugin with the same name.

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AppTimer by Passmark : bench-marking application start-up-times in Windows

AppTimer is a small, free utility which can be used to measure the start-up-time of applications. It can launch a program and measure the time it took, to be ready to accept user input. It could also close the program automatically and repeat the test a specified number of times. As you can see in the above picture you have the option of supplying command line arguments to the program being run.

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Windows Task Scheduler: changing task-priority

The default priority of processes run using Task Scheduler in Windows is below-normal. To be more precise, the default task-priority is 7 which comes under the below-normal process-priority category. Task Priority Priority Category 0 Real-time 1 High 2-3 Above Normal 4-6 Normal 7-8 Below Normal 9-10 Idle Priority categories in Windows Below-normal priority works fine in most cases since Task Scheduler is primarily meant for running background tasks. But there may be cases where you want to run a normal task or even a task that you want to finish as soon as possible.

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Alternative to “open command window here” option in windows

In the newer version of Windows 10, the open in cmd option has been removed from Windows Explorer. Here is a quick way to get at least part of that functionality back. Press ALT+D to select the address bar of the explorer window Type cmd Press ENTER This method should work with console-alternatives like Conemu or ConsoleZ as well. It is a general technique which can be used to launch any executable.

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