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How to wrap text around an image in Elementor

At the time of writing this article, Elementor does not provide an easy way to wrap text around an image. Let’s look at the old-fashioned way of achieving this using the Text Editor widget. The Text Editor widget is similar to the old TinyMCE editor of WordPress. contents Disable wrapping on smaller devices Solution 1: Add a class to the image Solution 2: Add a class to the whole text block I don’t have Elementor Pro, where should I put the CSS?

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How to undo changes in Divi

It is quite easy to undo changes in Divi as long as you have not exited the Divi builder page. Click on the clock icon in Divi’s bottom panel. This opens a side panel showing Editing History. It lists the changes you have made to the page. Click through the changes and you can see a real-time preview of how the page will look if you were to press the green tick button.

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