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Windows Firewall: A possible workaround for the disappearing rules problem using group policy

Many Windows Firewall users seem to be facing a problem of disappearing rules. I too have been facing this problem for the last two years. Let us look at a possible workaround. Do I have this problem? How would you know if you have this problem? Do you have applications which keep triggering Firewall alerts, despite being granted full internet access? Then you probably do. Torrent clients are a prime candidate for such alerts as they receive incoming connections.

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Google Calendar: Changing the date of all events in a recurring series

One feature which I find lacking in many Calendar applications is the ability to shift the dates of all events in a recurring series; Google Calendar has this feature. Why you might need such a feature There are some recurring tasks where the gap between the events is crucial. Let us look at an example. You have decided that you need to mow your lawn once every week and added a recurring task for it in the Calendar.

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Conversion between hexadecimal and binary numbers

Conversion between hexadecimal and binary is quite easy; which is precisely why hexadecimal became rather important in computer science. This is despite being neither machine friendly like binary nor familiar to humans like decimal. About Hexadecimal Hexadecimal number system has 16 numerals. In addition to the ten decimal numerals [0..9], it also has A, B, C, D, E, and F. For example, in hexadecimal 10ten is written as Ahex and 16ten is written as 10hex.

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Signed Number Representation in Computers

On paper, we can represent a negative number by prefixing it with a minus sign. But, in computers, we will have to encode the sign in the number itself. This article discusses three prominent methods used for representing signed numbers in computers. All three methods work by treating the leftmost digit as a kind of sign bit. Contents Sign-Magnitude representation 1’s complement representation 2’s Complement Representation How does it work? Sign-Magnitude representation At first glance, the problem of representing signed numbers in a computer might seem quite straightforward.

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Desktop notifications for Google Calendar in Chrome

By default, Google Calendar shows notifications as alert boxes inside Chrome; like the one shown below. Why desktop notifications are better than alerts These alerts are visible only when the Calendar tab is active. So if the Chrome window is not active or you are viewing another tab inside Chrome, you will not see the alert. Chrome’s alerts are not really cut out for Calendar notifications. Web-pages usually show them in response to some user action, like loading the page or closing the page.

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Chrome developer tools : auto-format JavaScript or CSS files

When viewing the source code of minified JavaScript or CSS files in Chrome Developer tools, it is very useful to be able to auto-format them. Chrome developer tools provide a pretty-print option for this purpose. A minified JS file Click on the small icon with two curly braces. A minified JS file with pretty-print option enabled Notice that the pretty-print icon has become blue to indicate that it is active. In the above picture, I am viewing the JS file in the Network tab.

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Camtasia Studio: Extend frame or freeze frame

Extending or freezing a frame allows you to pace your video better. More importantly, since freeze frames are applied on a per track basis, it buys you more time for something like a voiceover or an annotation. Freezing the frame Move the play head to the frame you want to extend. Right-Click on the track you want to extend and choose the Extend Frame option or press SHIFT+E. For the keyboard shortcut to work, the track must be selected first.

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Take a screenshot from Camtasia Studio 9 project

Sometimes you may want to take a screenshot from a Camtasia Studio project. For example, to use as a YouTube custom thumbnail. You don’t need to export the video first and then use a video player with screenshot support. Export frame option is available from within Camtasia. First, go to the frame you want to capture. From Share menu choose Export frame as or press CTRL+F Choose the file type and click save.

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Increase Media Player Classic volume to more than 100%

Sometimes the audio volume of media files is so low that it is barely audible. When faced with such files, you may want to boost the volume above the maximum level. Media players like VLC and mpv allow you to do this very easily. Boosting or normalizing audio is a little less convenient in Media Player Classic, but it can be done. warning: Increasing audio volume above 100% percent causes audio distortion; it may harm your audio equipment; extremely loud sounds could even cause hearing damage.

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Increase VLC Media Player volume to more than 125%

By default, the volume slider in VLC allows you to increase the volume up to 125%. If you have a file with really low, inaudible audio, you may want to boost the volume above 125%. warning: Increasing audio volume above 100% percent causes audio distortion; it may harm your audio equipment; extremely loud sounds could even cause hearing damage. Prolonged exposure to moderately loud sounds also causes hearing damage. Use this option only for files whose volume is very low.

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